5 Pillars of a New Ocean Agenda

Nicola Frost and Kristian Teleki, World Resources Institute Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution

5 Pillars of a New Ocean Agenda
Mathyas Kurmann on Unsplash

2020 was supposed to be a super year for the ocean.

A packed calendar of international events should have presented opportunities to assess progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 14 to conserve and sustainably use ocean resources; renew expiring Aichi Targets to protect coastal and marine habitats; conclude negotiations on a legally binding international agreement for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the high seas; and reach agreement to prohibit fishing subsidies that drive overfishing and illegal practices. The coronavirus pandemic, however, brought a very different backdrop to 2020, delaying these important events at a time when improving ocean health has never been more paramount.

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