Deep Dives
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Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Fisheries & Aquaculture

The Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture (GSA) were prepared at the request of Members in an inclusive, transparent and participatory manner under the guidance of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the FAO Committee on Fisheries. 

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Navigating the new climate era: Building intuition for strategic decision-making

Dr. Sarah Kapnick, J.P. Morgan

Explore “Climate Intuition,” a new thought-leadership series by J.P. Morgan. Combining scientific fact-based assessments and practical application, this series highlights the impacts of climate change on strategic decision-making.

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Ocean-Positive Investments Market Snapshot

Aly Rose, CREO Syndicate

Takeaway: Nature-positive investments in oceanstartups are on the rise, with investments in habitatmanagement and ecosystem restoration leading the pack.

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The artificial intelligence of things and its aquaculture applications

Dr. Yo-Ping Huang, Global Seafood Alliance Fisheries & Aquaculture

Study categorizes AIoT applications into 10 core areas, each highlighting unique methodologies, key achievements and potential for future advancements.

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Bayesian neural network modelling for estimating ecological footprints and blue economy sustainability across G20 nations

Muhammad Akhtar, et al., Nature

The term “blue economy” has become synonymous with generating income from maritime pursuits while protecting and improving marine environments.

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Nature Positive: Offshore wind sector

Hanh Nguyen, World Economic Forum Energy Solutions

With 130 countries committed to tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030, the offshore wind sector offers a robust means of harnessing the ocean’s abundant energy.

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Nature Positive: Role of the Port Sector

Xi Xie, World Economic Forum Shipping & Ports

A future-proof global port is dynamic, multifaceted and extends beyond traditional cargo handling.

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Investing in aquaculture: the year's key trends

Linda Chen, The Fish Site Fisheries & Aquaculture

Venture funding for aquaculture startups plummeted by 28 percent in 2024 amidst a slowdown in the VC sector, but there are still plenty of positives for some segments of the industry.

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How ocean startups are making waves and money

Stella Liu, The Gigaton

The ocean covers 70% of Earth but doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves.

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Perspectives and challenges of marine carbon dioxide removal

Andreas Oschiles, et al., Frontiers Energy Solutions Plastics & Pollution

The Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2°C requires drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and the balancing of any remaining emissions by carbon dioxide removal (CDR).

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Early Career Recommendations for the Equitable Growth of a Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Sector

G. D. Kitch, et al., AGU Plastics & Pollution

In addition to steep carbon emission reductions, all modeled pathways to reach global climate goals require carbon removal.

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Limited impact on oysters in first-of-its-kind field trial of marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) strategy

Emilia Jankowska, et al., CDRXIV Plastics & Pollution

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is a necessary component of limiting global warming to 2°C by 2100.

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The State of Marine Social Science: Yesterday, Today, and into the Future

Ana K. Spalding & Emma Mckinley, Annual Reviews

Rapidly changing ocean conditions are resulting in changes in marine species and across entire ecosystems that, in turn, affect communities and individuals who rely on these resources for their livelihoods, culture, and sustenance.

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Harnessing The Ocean

Andrea Siri, et al., Boston Consulting Group

How Closed System Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (MCDR) Can Contribute to Meeting Global Decarbonization Goals.

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Lessons Learned from 10 Years of Investing in Food & Agriculture, Oceans, and Energy

Aaron Rudberg, Chuck Templeton & Sanjeev Krishnan, S2G Investments

An insightful article on lessons learned written by S2G Senior Leadership.

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The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024

FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture

A three-part report covering a World Review, Blue Transformation in Action, and Outlook and Contemporary Issues. 

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Investing in the Future of Food: Artificial Intelligence in Aquaculture Production

Aly Rose, CREO Syndicate Fisheries & Aquaculture

The report provides a snapshot of the AI in the aquatech landscape, analyzes recent funding trends, and identifies potential solutions that will improve aquaculture production's financial viability and sustainability in the near and long term. 

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Guidebook: Ocean Climate Funding for Coastal Cities

Urban Ocean Lab

As of November 2024, Urban Ocean Lab (UOL) has identified over $2.5 billion available through programs funded by the IRA or IIJA.

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Marine carbon dioxide removal may be a future climate solution

David T Ho & Laurent Bopp, Sage Journals Plastics & Pollution

The ocean has absorbed 25% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and over 90% of excess heat, mitigating climate change but causing ocean acidification and marine ecosystem disruption.

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Could Engineering the Ocean Help Stop Climate Change?

Jaime B. Palter, Scientific American

Changing the ocean’s chemical and biological makeup could force it to pull vast amounts of planet-warming carbon from the atmosphere.

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