The entrepreneurs bringing us one step closer to solving the world’s toughest challenges
Louisa Montagu-Pollock

The world faces an unprecedented set of challenges, from a global pandemic and rampant income inequality, to man-made climate change and the destruction of natural ecosystems.
Did you know that 10% of global society still lives in extreme poverty, that 8 million tons of plastic is deposited into the ocean each year, or that an area the size of a football pitch is deforested every second?
In this interconnected age, our problems are interconnected too. The huge amounts of plastic which find their way into our ocean do not just damage marine life, they threaten livelihoods and even find their way into our food chain too. Meanwhile, more than 70 million people are forced to flee war and conflict around the globe – taking them out of economies and taxation systems which might help drive sustainable change.
Read the full story here.
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