Ocean Investment Platform
World Ocean Council

The World Ocean Council is raising awareness on the opportunities for investors to invest in responsible ocean economic development.
The recent trends for wealth fund operators and asset managers highlight the opportunities for long term investment in key sectors, including port infrastructure development and adaptation, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, offshore renewable energy and other areas.
The WOC “Ocean Investment Platform” provides a global structure and process to bring the investment community together with major ocean use companies and companies providing technology and solutions for ocean sustainable development challenges.
The Ocean Investment Platform is structured and processed to bring together:
• Leadership companies from major ocean use sectors, e.g. fishing, aquaculture, shipping, offshore energy, etc.
• Enterprises that provide the solutions – innovation, technology, products, services or information
• Investors
The WOC “Ocean Investment Platform” development follows on from the Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) 2015 session on “Investment and innovation for ocean sustainable development”.
As a forum to characterize the issues and challenges of ocean sustainable development that are affecting major ocean users and to identify solution providers, it will offer a place to determine, articulate and evaluate ocean industry opportunities for investment in responsible ocean development.
Through this and collaboration with other forward-thinking platforms such as the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute, the WOC will facilitate synergies and economies of scale among investors and the ocean business community as a way to accelerate ocean sustainable development.
The initial investment portfolio areas under consideration are:
– Marine debris/Port reception facilities
– Sustainable aquaculture
– Offshore renewable energy
– Technology for ocean data collection
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