Analysis of Farmed Seaweed Carbon Crediting and Novel Markets to Help Decarbonize Supply Chains

Interest in seaweed as a potential nature-based solution to climate change has skyrocketed in recent years. There is significant energy among NGOs, corporations, startups, governments, and others to explore how seaweed can play a role in sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in supply chains by substituting seaweed for other products, bring us closer to a net-zero emissions future.
In partnership with Bain & Company, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) examined the potential to support significant near-term growth over the next five to ten years in seaweed farming through two analyses:
1. Assessing the creation of a carbon crediting program to provide supplemental income to existing seaweed farmers who adopt practices to increase carbon sequestration and/ or new seaweed farmers who are interested in obtaining carbon financing; and
2. Stimulating demand for sustainably grown seaweed by supporting the growth of new end markets for seaweed products that could replace higher-emissions products.
Read the full report here.
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