Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities

Modeling the Pathways and Accumulation Patterns of Micro- and Macro-Plastics in the Mediterranean

Tsiaras, K., et al., Frontiers in Marine Science Plastics & Pollution

The Mediterranean is considered a hot-spot for plastic pollution, due to its semi-enclosed nature and heavily populated coastal areas.

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ESG Investing and Climate Transition: Market Practices, Issues and Policy considerations


ESG Investing and Climate Transition highlights the main findings from recent OECD research on ESG rating and investing.

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The Sixth Status of Corals of the World: 2020 Report

Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN)

The flagship product of the GCRMN is the Status of Coral Reefs of the World report that describes the status and trends of coral reefs worldwide. This sixth edition of the GCRMN Status of Coral Reefs of the World report is the first since 2008, and the first based on the quantitative analysis of a global dataset compiled from raw monitoring data contributed by more than 300 members of the network.

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Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emission plastics by a circular carbon economy

Meys, R. et al., Science Plastics & Pollution

The great majority of plastics in current use are sourced from fossil fuels, with additional fossil fuels combusted to power their manufacture. Substantial research is focused on finding more sustainable building blocks for next-generation polymers.

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Race to the bottom: the disastrous blindfolded rush to mine the deep sea

Jonathan Watts, The Guardian

One of the largest mining operations ever seen on Earth aims to despoil an ocean we are only barely beginning to understand by Jonathan Watts, global environment editor.

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Seaweed As a Nature-Based Climate Solution Vision Statement

Ocean Stewardship Coalition, UN Global Compact Fisheries & Aquaculture

The purpose of this report is to position seaweed, or marine macroalgae, as a significant nature-based climate solution with large scaling potential that can directly sequester carbon and indirectly displace greenhouse gas emissions in numerous ways, with clear economic and ecological co-benefits that make it a form of “charismatic carbon” and a holistic nature-based climate solution.

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Harnessing the diversity of small-scale actors is key to the future of aquatic food systems

Short, R.E. et al., Nature Fisheries & Aquaculture

Concerns that the global food system is failing to deliver safe, nutritious, sustainable and equitable diets have intensified over the past decade, leading to calls for food system transformation.

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Aquatic foods to nourish nations

Golden, C.D. et al,, Nature Fisheries & Aquaculture

Despite contributing to healthy diets for billions of people, aquatic foods are often undervalued as a nutritional solution because their diversity is often reduced to the protein and energy value of a single food type (‘seafood’ or ‘fish’).

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Funding the Big Blue: Offshore and High Seas Marine Protected Area Finance

Dr. Melissa Walsh, Dr. Rhona Barr, and Camilla Sundberg, Marine Conservation Finance

Finance is critical to the long-term success of MPAs, yet finance remains fragmented and limited.

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Krilling for Oil

Richa Syal, Environmental Reporting Collective Fisheries & Aquaculture

Conservationists are sounding the alarm over the international race to exploit the Antarctic's krill swarms.

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In-Depth 92-Page Introduction to Tilapia in Sub-Saharan Africa

Willem van der Pijl, Aqua-Spark Fisheries & Aquaculture

We at Aqua-Spark believe that aquaculture production will have to accelerate and have identified tilapia to be the fish to do so: it’s scalable and it’s healthy, sustainable, and affordable.

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Fostering ocean empathy through future scenarios

Blythe, J. et al., British Ecological Society

Research is demonstrating the potential of virtual reality to stimulate users’ capacity to imagine and pursue more sustainable futures and to encourage pro-environmental behaviour.

Building on this work, we asked whether experiencing the oceans in a virtual reality environment could make someone care about them and take action?

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French Polynesia Case Study

IUCN Fisheries & Aquaculture

Sustainable Use, Mariculture and Conservation of Giant Clams in the Marine Regulated Fishing Area of Reao Atoll, Tuamotu.

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‘It’s a miracle crop’: the pioneers pushing the powers of seaweed

Alexandra Talty, The Guardian Fisheries & Aquaculture

Kelp can clean New York’s polluted waters, tackle climate change and is sustainable – but growers need a law change first.

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Enhancing the heat tolerance of reef-building corals to future warming

Howells, E.J. et al., Science Advances Fisheries & Aquaculture

Reef-building corals thriving in extreme thermal environments may provide genetic variation that can assist the evolution of populations to rapid climate warming. However, the feasibility and scale of genetic improvements remain untested despite ongoing population declines from recurrent thermal stress events.

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B.C.’s marine tech sector is riding a wave of innovation

Dee Hon, BC Business Fisheries & Aquaculture Shipping & Ports

But our growing ocean economy faces stiff competition from overseas.

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Collaborative Pathways between Philanthropy and Development Aid in the Sprint to 2030

John Virdin, Our Shared Seas

The role of “ocean aid” in achieving global targets for ocean conservation and sustainable use by 2030.

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Evaluation of nutrient bioextraction by seaweed and shellfish aquaculture in Korea

Park, J.S. et al, World Aquaculture Society Fisheries & Aquaculture

Although Korea is third in seaweed production and second in shellfish production globally, this is the first study evaluating ecosystem services of seaweed and shellfish aquaculture in Korea.

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Impact Investing in a Sustainable Ocean and Global Fisheries

Our Shared Seas Fisheries & Aquaculture

The purpose of this essay is to better understand the current state and future of sustainable investing in the ocean and fisheries.

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AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis

IPCC Energy Solutions

The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.

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