Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities
The summer of 2023 saw record-breaking temperatures in our
oceans, with many areas more than 3*C (5.4*F) warmer than usual. Such marine heatwaves, alongside many other anthropogenic
impacts, are pushing nature beyond its limits, threatening marine
wildlife, fisheries productivity and the livelihoods of millions of
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A regenerative blue economy relies on flourishing ocean ecosystems and biodiversity, but it also helps the ocean in turn to flourish.
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Though ubiquitous, “destructive fishing” is undefined and therefore currently immeasurable. Here we propose a definition developed through expert consultation
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Carbon to Sea Initiative
Today, Carbon to Sea released a new report that provides an overview of existing investments in ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (oCDR).
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This study aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the seaweed sector as a driver of food security and women’s empowerment while addressing the interlinkages between food security, environmental sustainability, and trade.
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University of Hamburg, Nature
The ocean model ICON-Coast can simultaneously represent physical and biogeochemical processes at different scales. For the first time, a model accounts for the role of coastal seas in the global carbon cycle.
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Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture
Natalie F. Anderson, et al., NatureClimate change is causing persistent, widespread, and significant impacts on marine ecosystems which are predicted to interact and intensify
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A recently published report, compiled with support from the Moore Foundation by Hatch Blue, takes a deep dive into nine of the most promising protein-rich aquafeed ingredients.
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Back to Blue’s Roadmap to end ocean pollution is a synthesis of insights from hundreds of global leaders across science, industry, policy, business and finance on understanding ocean pollution and how to tackle it.
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Aly Rose, CREO Syndicate
A new report from CREO's Ocean Sector Manager dives into the various ocean alkalinity enhacement methods, funding obstacles and remaining questions.
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Catarina Frazão Santos, et al., Nature
New study identifies ten key components that will promote the development and implementation of sustainable, equitable, climate-smart ocean planning initiatives around the globe.
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This report is an update that complements the first edition of the BlueInvest Investor Report released in 2023, which aimed to provide investors with market knowledge on the EU Blue Economy to support their investment decisions and targeted those actively engaged or interested in new prospects.
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The Ocean Foundation
Report finds extracting nodules lodged in the ocean floor is rife with technical challenges and overlooks rise of innovations that would eliminate need for deep-seabed mining; warns investors to think twice before backing unproven industry.
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The impact of maritime transportation on the ocean – analysis and solutions.
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Through the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative’s Seafood Finance Working Group, co-convened with WWF, UNEP FI has developed this manual to support financial institutions in implementing the Turning the Tide and Diving Deep sector guidance, and setting targets for the Sustainable Blue Economy.
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James Jolliffe and Claire Jolly, OECD
A new report compares the measurement strategies of eight OECD member countries using principles from the system of national accounts.
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Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution
Andre Ranchin, Hymans RobertsonA sustainable and growing blue economy can provide investment opportunities and a significant environmental return.
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Lijing Cheng, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
The global physical and biogeochemical environment has been substantially altered in response to increased atmospheric greenhouse gases from human activities.
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A new study finds that the demand for green ammonia by 2050 could be three to four times the current (grey) ammonia production, requiring major new investments in infrastructure.
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United Nations Global Compact and Accenture
Business is a key stakeholder in SDG success. This report offers an appraisal of private sector contributions to the SDGs so far—and outlines a clear pathway for private sector action over the next seven years.
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