Issuer: eOceans



Restoring the health and value of our ocean demands unlocking $140 billion and a groundbreaking movement — eOceans® is poised to make it happen. 

eOceans® app and platform-as-a-service includes:

1) App for data collection: A mobile application that works offline for scientists, citizen scientists, fishers, and all ocean explorers to collect data about the ocean, including 200,000+ species (with their health conditions, like dead/dying animals), human values, environmental conditions (e.g., temp, pH, DO, microplastics), and a growing list of issues, hazards, and threats (e.g., oil spills, ice conditions, sargassum, blue-green algae). 

2) Automated, ethical* data sharing: It is free for anyone to log and share data with any project. Users own their data and decide who to share their data with by "Joining" projects. After joining a project, data sharing is done automatically based on location, species, activity, etc.

*eOceans® does not sell data, give away the exact locations of observations, or make data open access. This enables users to control who has access to their data, and is essential for researchers/governments/others who are required to follow ethical processes for data collection and publication, especially when working with local and Indigenous knowledge holders. 

3. Automated, expert developed analysis and display for any project. Although eOceans® runs many projects in the platform — marine heatwaves, sharks, whales, orcas+sailboats — the platform is also available for other scientists and organizations to use to track what matters to them. These are based on month/annual subscriptions based on their team size (number of people) and the types of analytics and outputs they need. 

This way, eOceans® is species, location, issue, and organization agnostic and is positioned to be able to work anywhere in the ocean (or lakes), for nearly any purpose — tracking fisheries, ending UU fishing, assessing protected area performance, tracking any species, issue, threat, and supporting the growing need for marine spatial planning to support a smart Blue Economy. 

eOceans® — For the ocean. For us. 

Recent winning pitch for an Ocean Tech challenge: 

eOceans® Explainer video: 

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eOceans® is a registered trademark. 

The eOceans® "MPA Health Tracker™ and MPA Health Score™" won the top award at IMPAC5 — an international marine protected area conference. 

eOceans® was designed and developed by marine science PhD's

eOceans® research has been published in many scientific journals and informed policy on fisheries, endangered species, protected areas, and more. See our IMPACT page — click to read the papers and learn more.

The method and process used by eOceans® is patent pending. 

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