A curious gray whale calf peeks out of the bay just feet from your Zodiac. Massive pods of bottlenose dolphins race the bow of your ship. Sea lions slide off rocks to join you snorkeling. Encounters like these, as well as opportunities to hike desert island Arroyos, photograph 80-foot cacti against fiery sunsets, and observe enormous colonies of magnificent frigate birds, result from deep experience and expertise in Baja California, which Lindblad Expeditions has been exploring for more than 40 years.
Designated by UNESCO as a marine world heritage site and dubbed “the world’s aquarium” by Jacques Cousteau, the waters and islands of the Gulf of California are places of legendary biodiversity. Explore this isolated region, hiking remote desert isles, snorkeling hidden bays, and seeking out encounters with a vast variety of whale species plus massive pods of dolphins, leaping mobula rays, and seabirds.
On the Pacific side of the peninsula hike, leap, and slide down wind- and wave-sculpted dunes that stretch along the coast. And, witness an unforgettable marine spectacle, entering the birthing lagoons of the California gray whales to observe these majestic creatures and their newborn calves up close.
Explore this remote region aboard the 50-cabin National Geographic Venture in the company of expert naturalists. The 8-day Baja California: Among the Great Whales expedition sails January 6, 2024 through March 2, 2024. Or go even deeper on the 15-day Baja California: A Remarkable Journey in April. With nonstop flights available from Dallas, Phoenix, and Los Angeles, this remote wonderland is relatively close to home, making it the perfect winter getaway.
Image Credit: Michael Nolan