The Ocean Impact Podcast follows co-founders Tim Silverwood and Nick Chiarelli on a ‘journey of discovery’ as they launch Ocean Impact Organisation and pursue their mission to ‘create an abundant and sustainable ocean through inspiration, innovation, leadership, and good business’.
The Ocean Impact Podcast
30 Episodes
Tech to Make the Seafood Supply Chain Visible with Jayson Berryhill
You can’t manage what you don’t measure. This is just one of the gems that Jayson Berryhill, co-founder and CEO of Wholechain, dropped in this episode of the podcast. As... more
The Alchemy of Turning Food Waste into Fish Feed with Diana Orembe
The fisheries sector plays an important role in social & economic development in many countries around the world, including Tanzania, which is where the founder and CEO of NovFeed –... more
Making Fisheries Monitoring Accessible and Scalable With Alexander Dungate
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. You may know this children’s book, but did you know that video footage from fishing vessels is manually reviewed in a similar... more
Understanding Planet Ocean Like Never Before With James Bradley
How did the ocean get here? And how did it make us human? We chat to James Bradley, author of Deep Water: The World in the Ocean, about his incredible... more
Saving the Seas from Microfibre Pollution With Avril Greenaway
A single load of laundry releases up to 700,000 microfibres every wash into our waterways! But solutions exist! We chat to Avril Greenaway, Co-founder & Impact Director of Cleaner Seas... more
OIO’s Elisa-Marie Dumas on Helping Founders Make Their Greatest Impact & Our New Accelerator Cohort
The podcast is back! We’re excited to have Elisa-Marie Dumas, our Head of Global Programs, making her podcast debut in our first episode for 2024. She chats about her extensive... more
A study of fish sold around Australia, by Minderoo Foundation, found that more than one in ten products didn’t match their label. And with 65% of seafood consumed in Australia... more
The Startup Helping CPGs Ditch Single-Use Plastic with Ben Stern | Pitchfest 2022 Series
There’s a big chance the items you’ll find in your bathroom make up some of the 120bn units of packaging produced by the beauty industry annually. And those single-use amenity... more
What is Sustainable Packaging with Kate Bezar + Rebecca Percasky | Pitchfest 2022 Series
Did you know that the equivalent of one garbage truck’s worth of plastic ends up in the ocean every minute? And with 40% of global plastic waste coming from packaging,... more
How Potato Waste Can Restore Ocean Ecosystems with Karin & Peter from BESE | Pitchfest 2022 Series
The humble potato is endlessly useful and almost universally beloved. But Netherlands-based startup BESE is taking it up a notch, recycling the waste from potato chip manufacturing (as well as... more
Revolutionising Marine Coatings to Tackle Antifouling with Christina Linke | Pitchfest 2022 Series
Did you know the industry standard coating for marine vessels, antifouling paint, is toxic? Often containing solvents, biocides to prevent growth, and designed to self-erode when organisms eventually take hold.... more
The Aussie Innovation Cleaning Building Sites & Waterways with Angus Hudson | Pitchfest 2022 Series
Wet trade slurry (eg. cement slurry) is generated on building sites daily. Angus Hudson, an experienced builder and founder of SLURRYTUB, has seen first-hand the issues and difficulties around the... more
This Living Artificial Reef Helps Combat Coastal Erosion: Will Bateman | Pitchfest 2022 Series EP05
Not only do coral reefs promote biodiversity, provide vital ecosystems for life underwater, and benefit economies, they also provide natural coastal protection. But coastal erosion is getting worse, with climate... more
How AI Monitoring Could Unlock Sustainable Fisheries: Alexander Dungate | Pitchfest 2022 Series EP04
How do you monitor catch on fishing vessels at sea? Managing catch, bycatch, and adherence to laws & regulations is often done via camera footage from boats being manually reviewed.... more
Microfibres and Ocean Microplastics with Mocja Zupan | Pitchfest 2022 Series EP03
Around 700,000 microfibres are released doing an average load of washing. Mocja Zupan (Founder and CEO of PlanetCare) compares this to an average household dumping one plastic bag per week... more
From Rigs to Reefs: Repurposing Offshore Platforms with Amber Sparks | Pitchfest 2022 Series EP02
What if we could predict how the removal, reefing, or installation of an offshore energy structure could impact fisheries? That’s where spatial planning tool FishLAT by Blue Latitudes comes in.... more
The Robotics Startup with an Ocean of Uses with Tom Loefler | Pitchfest 2022 Series EP01
Did you know that biofouling - the growth of organisms on ship and boat hulls - can contribute to a 20-55% increase in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per vessel?... more
How the Ocean Flows Through the UN SDGs with Martin Koehring: Part 2
If the ocean was a country, it would be the 8th largest economy in the world! Martin Koehring, head of Economist Impact’s World Oceans Initiative, joins us for part two... more
How the Ocean Flows Through the UN SDGs with Martin Koehring: Part 1
Did you know that UN SDG 14: Life Below Water is the most underfunded? Or that the economic value of a great whale in the ocean is $3 million US... more
Returning The Ocean To A Flourishing State with Tony Worby from Minderoo Foundation
Dr Tony Worby is the Director of the Planet Portfolio and Flourishing Oceans at Minderoo Foundation and is a global leader in advancing positive actions to improve ocean health. In... more
Growing a Sustainable Seaweed Startup with Sam Elsom from Sea Forest | EP12 Pitchfest 2021 Series
Sam Elsom is the co-founder and CEO of Sea Forest, a Tasmania-based startup cultivating asparagopsis seaweed for use as a feed supplement in livestock industries to drastically reduce methane emissions... more
Plastic Free Periods for People & Planet with Kristin & Tarun from Saathi | EP11 Pitchfest 21 Series
An inspiring and moving conversation with the co-founders of Saathi; a groundbreaking impact startup based in Ahmedabad, India that manufactures 100% biodegradable and compostable sanitary pads made from banana and... more
Insect Protein is the Future with Syrine Chaalala from nextProtein | EP10 Pitchfest 2021 Series
An insightful chat with Syrine Chaalala, co-founder and Managing Director of nextProtein, a Tunisia/France-based insect technology startup producing insect-based protein for animal feedstocks using food waste - returning protein to... more
Kelp to Counter Climate Change with Jesse Baines from Atlantic Sea Farms | EP09 Pitchfest 21 Series
A dynamic discussion with Jesse Baines, Chief Marketing Officer for Atlantic Sea Farms and a proud Maine native with deep connections to the local lobster fishery. Atlantic Sea Farms is... more
Making Invisible Problems Matter with Adam Root from Matter | EP08 Pitchfest 2021 Series
Adam Root is the founder and CEO of Matter, a UK based microplastic technology company pioneering innovative solutions for the capture, harvest and recycling of microplastics. Matter’s mission is to... more
Tech to Transform the Ocean with Jack Hurley from Firetail Robotics | EP07 Pitchfest 2021 Series
Jack Hurley is the Founder of Firetail Robotics, Winner of The Ocean Impact Pitchfest 2021 Ocean Monitoring Spotlight Award for their pioneering work using technology to increase ocean knowledge. A... more
Paint is Plastic with Declan McAdams from Pinovo | EP06 Pitchfest 2021 Series
Declan McAdams is the co-founder and Chairman of Pinovo, a Norwegian startup on a mission to transform the $12bn environmentally destructive sandblasting industry. As Declan eloquently shares in this podcast... more
Rebecca Percasky and Kate Bezar on Building a Better Packaging Company | EP05 Pitchfest 2021 Series
Rebecca Percasky and Kate Bezar are the co-founders of Better Packaging Co., a New Zealand based startup on a mission to design revolutionary packaging solutions for the new eco-nomy. Better... more
Turning Food Waste into Stretch Wrap: Jordy & Julia Kay from Great Wrap | EP04 Pitchfest 2021 Series
Julia and Jordy Kay are the founders of Great Wrap, an Australian startup tackling the enormous problem of plastic pollution and waste generated by the stretch wrap industry. Great Wrap... more
The Robotic Fish That's Saving the Seas: Simeon & Liane from Aquaai | EP03 Pitchfest 2021 Series
Simeon Pieterkosky and Liane Thompson are the founders of Aquaai, an innovative startup using robotics and biomimicry to gather critical data from the ocean and waterways. A unique feature of... more