Boosting business along the fisheries value chain

In the context of fisheries and aquaculture, the value chain refers to “all the activities and services – from input supply to production (capture fisheries and aquaculture farming), processing, wholesale and finally, retail”. Each species, including from each boat or fish farm, will have a specific value chain depending on the production method, the qualities of the product (including the size), the marketing channels established and the “middle-men” involved. Some fish will be sold fresh, directly in the local community; other products may be traded, stored, processed and shipped to consumers the other side of the world.
Flows of fisheries and aquaculture products depend on many factors, ranging from consumer preferences in different places, to the capacity and competitiveness of a given fisheries area to catch or produce, handle, process, distribute and market its products. The path that each fish will take to market will, in turn, determine the added value generated by that fish and who retains the greatest proportion of this value.
Read the full guide here
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