Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities

Blue carbon: The potential of coastal and oceanic climate action

Claes, J. et al., McKinsey & Company

Nature-based climate solutions in the world's oceans can play an important role in conservation and carbon abatement efforts worldwide.

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Navigating Ocean Risk: Shaping the Transition to a Sustainable Blue Economy

World Wildlife Fund

The ocean is being impacted by human activity, which is fast changing how ocean-dependent businesses operate within it.

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The vital roles of blue foods in the global food system

Tigchelaar, M. et al., Global Food Security Fisheries & Aquaculture

Blue foods play a central role in food and nutrition security for billions of people and are a cornerstone of the livelihoods, economies, and cultures of many coastal and riparian communities.

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California shellfish farmers: Perceptions of changing ocean conditions and strategies for adaptive capacity

Ward, M. et al., Ocean & Coastal Management Fisheries & Aquaculture

Shellfish growers were interviewed about their experiences with environmental change.

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Doubling Down on Wicked Problems: Ocean ArtScience Collaborations for a Sustainable Future

Jung, J. et al., Frontiers in Marine Science

This article highlights the potential contributions of ArtScience collaborations and inquiries to meeting the challenges of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UN Ocean Decade).

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Innovative Fish Farms Aim to Feed the Planet, Save Jobs and Clean Up an Industry’s Dirty Reputation

Ellen Ruppel Shell, Scientific American Fisheries & Aquaculture

From giant land-based salmon tanks to submersible shellfish platforms, experiments in aquaculture are dotting Maine’s coasts.

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Assessing Seafood Supply Chains: New Public-Private Partnership Will Support Companies in Assessing IUU Fishing Risks Using Vessel Data

World Economic Forum et al.

Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is estimated to represent as much as 20% of catch worldwide, with losses to the global economy estimated at $10- 23.5 billion USD per year.

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Expanding ocean food production under climate change

Free, C.M. et al., Nature Fisheries & Aquaculture

As the human population and demand for food grow, the ocean will be called on to provide increasing amounts of seafood. Although fsheries reforms and advances in ofshore aquaculture (hereafter ‘mariculture’) could increase production, the true future of seafood depends on human responses to climate change.

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Association of zoonotic protozoan parasites with microplastics in seawater and implications for human and wildlife health

Zhang, E. et al., Scientific Reports Plastics & Pollution

Plastics are widely recognized as a pervasive marine pollutant. Microplastics have been garnering increasing attention due to reports documenting their ingestion by animals, including those intended for human consumption.

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The case for seaweed subsidies

Rob Fletcher, The Fish Site Fisheries & Aquaculture

GreenWave’s pilot seaweed subsidies programme can “prime the pump” for meaningful volumes of kelp to be grown in the US, according to Bren Smith, helping to provide livelihoods and ecosystem services in equal measure.

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Kelp (Saccharina latissima) Mitigates Coastal Ocean Acidification and Increases the Growth of North Atlantic Bivalves in Lab Experiments and on an Oyster Farm

Young, C.S. et al., Frontiers in Marine Science Fisheries & Aquaculture

Coastal zones can be focal points of acidification where the influx of atmospheric CO2 can be compounded by additional sources of acidity that may collectively impair calcifying organisms.

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The Transformative Power of Digital Aquatech

Aqua-Spark Fisheries & Aquaculture

This Report provides you with an overview of the digital aquatech investment landscape, a series of inspiring interviews with CEOs of Aqua-Spark’s digital aquatech portfolio companies, and a set of in-depth chapters on different segments of digital aquaculture technology.

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Signature of climate-induced changes in seafood species served in restaurants

John‑Paul Ng & William W. L. Cheung, Environ Biol Fish Fisheries & Aquaculture

Climate change is causing shifts in biogeography of marine species, towards higher latitude, deeper waters, or following local temperature gradients.

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Our Ocean Is Choking on Plastic—But It’s a Problem We Can Solve

Winnie Lau, The Pew Charitable Trusts Plastics & Pollution

A new analytical tool can show the main sources of plastic pollution and help governments determine how to best reduce the amount that is reaching the ocean.

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IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

Working Group III, IPCC Energy Solutions

Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change.

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Rewarding Conservation Efficiency in Marine Protected Areas

Planet Tracker

Potentially 70% or more of MPAs fall short of their conservation goals.

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Policy Recommendations For a More Circular Aquaculture

Balsells, S. et al., iFishIENCi Fisheries & Aquaculture

New iFishIENCi report on circular aquaculture features four key policy reccomendations. 

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Behavioral responses to predatory sounds predict sensitivity of cetaceans to anthropogenic noise within a soundscape of fear

Miller et al Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism

Why are some species more averse to anthropogenic noise disturbances than others?

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ESG Explainer: The Blue Economy

Heather McKenzie, ESG Investor

With the global economy heavily reliant on ocean health, a sustainable future is paramount.

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Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

Celia Konowe, Marine Technology News Fisheries & Aquaculture

To Clear the Air, Look Beneath the Waves.

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