Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities

Blue Carbon in the United Kingdom: Understanding and developing the opportunity

Blue Marine Foundation

This report authored by Blue Marine Foundation and the University of Exeter therefore provides a clear introduction to blue carbon, a marine naturebased solution with multiple benefits for our climate, biodiversity and coastal communities.

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Diving Deep: New Guidance on Finance, Ocean Pollution, Plastics and Coastal Resilience


New guidance launched today by UNEP FI provides banks, insurers, and investors with a science-based, actionable toolkit to align their decision-making with a healthy ocean and accelerate the sustainable transformation of critical marine sectors.

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Facilitating development of the seaweed cultivation industry in Scotland

Kyla Orr, Marine Ecological Consulting Fisheries & Aquaculture

Seaweed farming is a new industry in Scotland, and is predicted to expand rapidly over the next 5-10 years.

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IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

Working Group II, IPCC

Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.

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Aquaculture and Nature-based Solutions

R. le Gouvello, et al., IUCN Fisheries & Aquaculture

Identifying synergies between sustainable development of coastal communities, aquaculture, and marine and coastal conservation.

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Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States

Sweet, W.V, et al., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

The Sea Level Rise Technical Report provides the most up-to-date sea level rise projections available for all U.S. states and territories; decision-makers will look to it for information.

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Looking back at the One Ocean Summit: What commitments for the ocean?

Ocean & Climate Platform (OCP) Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution

After two days of discussions and debates, some 40 Heads of State and Government responded positively to the invitation of the President of the French Republic to commit for the ocean at the One Planet Summit for the Ocean in Brest.

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Scaling Investments in Nature

World Economic Forum

The Next Critical Frontier for Private Sector Leadership.

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Climate Solutions Investments

Cheema-Fox, A. et al., Harvard Business School Energy Solutions

An increasing number of companies are providing products and services that help reduce carbon emissions in the economy.

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The Global Ocean

Callum Roberts, The Pew Charitable Trusts

The consequences of our taking resources from the sea were once limited to local scales. Today, exploitation, depletion, and loss affect us all.

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As world drowns in plastic waste, U.N. to hammer out global treaty

Charles Pekow, Mongabay Plastics & Pollution

At the end of February, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) will tackle a challenging task: the creation of a landmark treaty to control plastic pollution worldwide.

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The underexplored potential of green macroalgae in aquaculture

Moreira, A. et al., Reviews in Aquaculture Fisheries & Aquaculture

Green macroalgae (Chlorophyta) currently represent a residual fraction (<1%) of global seaweed biomass production landings.

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Sustainable growth of non-fed aquaculture can generate valuable ecosystem benefits

Barrett, L.T. et al., Ecosystem Services Fisheries & Aquaculture

Investment in extractive or ‘non-fed’ aquaculture has been proposed as a partial solution for sustainable food provision. An important aspect is the potential for aquaculture-environment interactions to influence the provision of ecosystem services.

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Future loss of local-scale thermal refugia in coral reef ecosystems

Dixon, A.M. et al., PLOS Climate

Thermal refugia underpin climate-smart management of coral reefs, but whether current thermal refugia will remain so under future warming is uncertain.

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A Sea of Possibilities: How we're rethinking our relationship with the ocean

Eos: Science News by AGU

In our February issue, Eos reports on the study of the ocean and our relationship to it, in the spirit of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

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Impacts of Plastic Pollution in the Oceans, on Marine Species, Biodiversity and Ecosystems

World Wildlife Fund Plastics & Pollution

A new report commissioned by WWF provides the most comprehensive account to date of the extent to which plastic pollution is affecting the global ocean, the impacts it’s having on marine species and ecosystems, and how these trends are likely to develop in future.

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Guidelines for Blue Finance

International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group

Guidance for financing the Blue Economy, building on the Green Bond Principles and the Green Loan Principles.

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Plastic Drawdown: A rapid assessment tool for developing national responses to plastic pollution when data availability is limited, as demonstrated in the Maldives

Royle, J. et al., Global Environmental Change Plastics & Pollution

Developing a common understanding of a jurisdiction’s plastic waste stream and the solutions available to decision-makers is vital to build consensus across stakeholders and to align on an evidence-based portfolio of priority instruments.

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Ocean Management is Not Yet Sustainable. A New Approach Could Change That.

Nicola Frost, et al., World Resources Institute

Unsustainable development along coastlines is destroying vital marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrass meadows and mangrove forests.

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Restorative Aquaculture for Nature and Communities

The Nature Conservancy Fisheries & Aquaculture

There is a pressing need to provide food for people within planetary limits—including new approaches that actively restore ecosystem health.

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