Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities
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Aquaculture of bivalve shellfish and seaweed represents a global opportunity to simultaneously advance coastal ecosystem recovery and provide substantive benefits to humanity.
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IPCC Limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, the IPCC said in a new assessment. With clear benefits to people and natural ecosystems, limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C could go hand in hand with ensuring a more sustainable and equitable society, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said on Monday.
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Designing effective policy interventions to motivate mitigation actions requires more realistic assumptions about human decision-making based on empirical evidence from the behavioural sciences. We therefore need to consider behavioural rather than only economic costs and benefits in policy intervention designs.
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Can finance contribute to seafood sustainability? This is an increasingly relevant question given the projected growth of seafood markets and the magnitude of social and environmental challenges associated with seafood production. As more capital enters the seafood industry, it becomes crucial that investments steer the sector toward improved sustainability, as opposed to fueling unsustainable working conditions and overexploitation of resources.
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This Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) was prepared following an IPCC Panel decision in 2016 to prepare three Special Reports during the Sixth Assessment Cycle.
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Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture
Froehlich, H.E. et al., Current BiologyFroehlich et al. find large-scale global mitigation through CO2eq sequestration unlikely but local to regional applications more feasible.
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Matross, D, et al., CREO Syndicate
Based on observations over the years, we have developed a framework to help investors understand where they are in the process.
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Sulan Chen et al., UNDP
The blue economy is an approach put forward by the international community to take into account the health of the oceans and seas as we strive to balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.
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Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism
Reidmiller, D.R. et al., U.S. Global Change Research ProgramVolume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States.
The National Climate Assessment (NCA) assesses the science of climate change and variability and its impacts across the United States, now and throughout this century.
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Cellular agriculture is defined as the production of agricultural products from cell cultures rather than from whole plants or animals. With growing interest in cellular agriculture as a means to address public health, environmental, and animal welfare challenges of animal agriculture, the concept of producing seafood from fish cell- and tissue-cultures is emerging as an approach to address similar challenges with industrial aquaculture systems and marine capture.
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Wenhai, L., et al., Frontiers in Marine Science
Careful definition and illustrative case studies are fundamental work in developing a Blue Economy. As blue research expands with the world increasingly understanding its importance, policy makers and research institutions worldwide concerned with ocean and coastal regions are demanding further and improved analysis of the Blue Economy.
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Fisheries & Aquaculture Shipping & Ports
The Governance GroupThe report finds that until regulators establish clearer ESG guidance companies in the shipping and seafood sectors will benefit from disclosing concrete information on the ESG issues that are material to their business model.
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The business case for sustainability.
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The business case for sustainability stems from the intrinsic need to responsibly manage our natural resources so we can continue to use them for years to come. Delve into these resources on the business case for sustainable seafood.
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Nathalie Roth et al., BNCFF
Bonds are long term finance instruments for companies, governments and other entities. In order to fund targeted sectors, green and climate bonds have already been issued.
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Seafood is a highly nutritious, renewable, low-carbon food source – but only if it’s managed sustainably. Unfortunately, the trends continue to go in the wrong direction, with the latest UN figures showing that a third of all fish stocks have been overexploited. Overfishing – along with pollution, climate change and other pressures – has pushed our oceans to crisis point.
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Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports
OECDThis new OECD report on the ocean economy emphasises the growing importance of science and technologies in improving the sustainable economic development of our seas and ocean.
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