Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities

Deep Blue Opportunities for Blue Carbon Finance in Coastal Ecosystems

International Finance Corporation

Nature-based solutions focused on conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems are a costeffective way of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

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Avoiding Aquafailure: Aquaculture diversification and regeneration are needed to feed the world

Planet Tracker Fisheries & Aquaculture

Analysis from Planet Tracker finds diversifying farmed seafood production can close supply gap while tackling biodiversity risks.

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NOAA publishes a new Aquaculture Science Advice Handbook

NOAA Fisheries & Aquaculture

Important for nutrition, for local jobs and for climate-ready food systems, aquaculture is growing in the United States, as more people is attracted to the potential it offers. 

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Seaweed Farming as Community Development - 2023 Report

Research And Markets Fisheries & Aquaculture

This comprehensive report explores the potential of seaweed farming as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fertilizers, highlighting its potential for community development and economic growth.

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Trade and Environment Review 2023

UNCTAD Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism

The Trade and Environment Review 2023 analyses the impacts of human activities and global crises on the ocean economy, which includes traditional sectors such as fishing and shipping, as well as emerging ones like offshore wind energy and marine biotechnology.

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Into the Blue: Securing a Sustainable Future for Kelp Forests

United Nations Environment Programme, Norwegian Blue Forests Network Fisheries & Aquaculture

This new global synthesis report is the most comprehensive knowledge review on kelp to date.

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Deep Blue: Opportunities for Blue Carbon Finance in Coastal Ecosystems

IFC, World Bank Group Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture

This paper was developed by IFC Climate Business Department in collaboration with Silverstrum and Climate Focus to provide an overview of the emerging blue carbon market.

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Aquaculture Industry Review

One Ocean Foundation Fisheries & Aquaculture

This research is an initiative of the One Ocean Foundation, as part of its project Ocean Disclosure Initiative.

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The shipping industry’s fuel choices on the path to net zero

Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, Global Maritime Forum, and Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping Shipping & Ports

Industry leaders know they must adopt greener fuels in order to decarbonize. Is a multifuel future in store?

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The value of ecosystem services in global marine kelp forests

Eger, A.M. et al., Nature Communications Fisheries & Aquaculture

While marine kelp forests have provided valuable ecosystem services for millennia, the global ecological and economic value of those services is largely unresolved. Kelp forests are diminishing in many regions worldwide, and efforts to manage these ecosystems are hindered without accurate estimates of the value of the services that kelp forests provide to human societies.

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Could removing carbon from the ocean be a climate change solution?

Rosanna Xia, Los Angeles Times Plastics & Pollution

The ocean, after all, has long been a silent hero when it comes to climate change.

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New Land-based Aquaculture Report Includes Over 400 projects

Undercurrent News Energy Solutions

A new report by Spheric Research and Undercurrent News features an analysis of the booming aquaculture sector.

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Ocean Climate Action Plan

Ocean Policy Committee, The White House Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports

The OCAP outlines three goals that mobilize the Federal Government and civil society to take effective and innovative ocean climate action.

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AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023

IPCC Energy Solutions

The IPCC finalized the Synthesis Report for the Sixth Assessment Report during the Panel's 58th Session held in Interlaken, Switzerland from 13 - 19 March 2023.

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BlueInvest: new investor report features an ocean of investment opportunities in the sustainable blue economy

European Commission Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism

Today, the European Commission is unveiling a new investor report, on the occasion of the BlueInvest Day 2023.

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A growing plastic smog, now estimated to be over 170 trillion plastic particles afloat in the world’s oceans—Urgent solutions required

Eriksen, M. et al., PLoS One Plastics & Pollution

As global awareness, science, and policy interventions for plastic escalate, institutions around the world are seeking preventative strategies. Central to this is the need for precise global time series of plastic pollution with which we can assess whether implemented policies are effective, but at present we lack these data.

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A Global Sustainable Aquaculture Roadmap

Chris Ninnes et al., World Economic Forum Fisheries & Aquaculture

Aquaculture can help us transform our food systems and tackle the effects of biodiversity loss and climate change. But we need to make sure we develop the sector sustainably. This global roadmap sets out four pathways for the responsible development of aquaculture. It aims to help the aquaculture sector create the conditions to produce healthy, nutritious and accessible blue foods that benefit people and the planet. The recommendations outlined in this roadmap require collaborative action in aquaculture across geographies and sectors to achieve greater social, economic and environmental benefits by 2030. Scroll down for our summary roadmap and key actions or download the full roadmap.

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Peak Plastics: Bending the Consumption Curve

Back to Blue, Economist Impact and The Nippon Foundation Plastics & Pollution

Peak plastics is an Economist Impact report for Back to Blue, an initiative of Economist Impact and The Nippon Foundation. This report examines the potential impact of three key policies that cover the entire lifecycle of plastic, from production to disposal. These approaches are being considered by negotiators working on a legally binding UN treaty to reduce plastic pollution.

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World Ocean Outlook 2023: Building on the Ocean Momentum

World Ocean Initiative, The Economist Impact

The report focuses on solutions and opportunities for action to address the three planetary crises: climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

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Exploring Future Research and Innovation Directions For A Sustainable Blue Economy

Pace, L. et al., Marine Policy

This study explores the role of foresight in co-creating alternative, preferred futures for a sustainable blue economy looking towards 2030 and in establishing an interdisciplinary dialogue about research and innovation opportunities to achieve these futures.

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